Launching a New Website
Midgard is re-launching its website.
Our hope and expectations are for the website to grow into an avenue to better interact with our clients, new and old. And to learn, while having a bit of fun doing so.
To this end, we aim to post blogs, white papers and other media of a quality and standard that we, ourselves, would want to read or watch.
While staying true to Midgard core values - pragmatism and balanced risk taking - the website’s resources section will develop content focused on:
- Utility Regulation (and the Utility of the Future)
- Electrical Interconnection
- Project Development and Decision Support
- Energy Miscellanea and Economic Sundries
What do we want our readers to come away thinking after visiting our pieces?
- The information was
– Succinct and clear
– To the point
– Insightful and informative
– Engaging
- Time well spent
- I wonder what Midgard thinks about idea XYZ?
– I will reach out to Midgard and ask them to post on idea XYZ - I wonder what Midgard thinks about problem ABC?
– I will reach out to Midgard and ask them to contact me about problem ABC
- I will return to this site
- I look forward to reading about XYZ
We, of course, invite your feedback.